Updating W3CB Certifications: How we keep them Relevant

The Web3 Certification Board regularly reviews blockchain certifications to ensure they stay relevant, and technically accurate, and assess the skills needed to thrive in the decentralized world. Reviews guarantee certifications evaluate the right abilities for blockchain roles, prioritizing key skills. While comprehensive role learning exceeds exam coverage, prioritization allows valid, reliable measurement.

The Board reviews exam objectives every two months, revising, removing, or occasionally adding as needed. Annually, the job task analysis defining critical knowledge, skills, and abilities is refreshed. Most changes reflect role evolution, integrated through routine updates clearly marked on exam pages. As certifications remain personal, individuals must proactively check for coming changes.

Sometimes, larger job role revolutions necessitate new exam numbers, alerting significant updates requiring adapted preparation. The Board provides a 90-day overlap, letting individuals choose to take old or new versions. After 90 days, expired exams retire permanently.

Depending on changes, the Board may split expanded exams or consolidate redundant ones into accurately assessed, streamlined certifications. New exam numbers again indicate beta tests, gathering data to finalize quality questions.

Rarely, name changes to certifications or exams better convey evolved job roles. Updates appear on transcripts.

If a role loses relevance, the Board retires certifications, typically replacing them with more valuable alternatives. 90+ days notice allows completion; after retirement, exams cannot be taken or renewed.

Name changes to certifications generally do not accompany new exam numbers. If a role expands, individuals can take old or new exams based on current or updated skills sought. Self-paced content and training is updated to align within seven to 30 days.

Beta exams pilot test new questions for quality prior to finalization, using data and feedback to ensure validity. As roles evolve quickly, new exams often require new questions to assess new skills.

The Board continuously updates pages with coming certification and exam changes. Please check frequently and contact us with any questions!